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SG: Odkaz Phoenixe_15.12.2014 Thrandia

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St0rm Uživatelský avatar
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel

Příspěvky: 2366
Bydliště: Studénka
Pohlaví: Neuvedeno

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No, že jste si na mě vzpomenuli, tak tady máte dáreček. Je to krapet psychidelická záležitost, hlavně určená anglicky čtoucím občanům :D

Tyhle věci se lijí na papír, když na mě příjde nálada.

Jináč, abychom se tady nenudili a měli o čem mluvit; pracuju na knížkách dvou, jedna je pro mě spíše vedlejší projekt, není to scifi, není to fantasy... Je to z reality, z mojí reality.
Ta druhá, a hlavní, bude pro vás jistě zajímavější, protože jsem po roce snažení a vymýšlení přepracoval Avalon a první knížka bude založená na 3. sérii. Zůstávají postavy, mytologie... Stálo mě to masivní úsilí, ale jde to a bude to samostatná story.

Pokud to někdo přečtete, nechte komentář ;)
"His name is Bearton Jon, he is the knight of the tooth and he is in love with the princess-bear of the next kingdom." Explained little boy to his cousin.
Girl looked at the bear sitting at the window sill, one eye made of a spare button, and nodded, inquiring: "Why is he up there? I have my stuffed pony with me in the bed!" She pointed to her bed.
"Pff... That is his guarding post. Plus, he can see is princess from there, see?" He climbed up the heater with the girl following. "Right there." Pointed the boy across the street, and truly. There was a rust-furred teddy bear sitting behind a window with white laced curtains.
"Bed time!" Came order from the kitchen and both children climbed back down.
Both children ran over to the bathroom to brush their teeth. Little girl had mouth filled with foam, but that did not stop her from talking.
"I watched a grown-up movie today!" She boasted, spitting white dots all over the bathroom.
"Yeah, so?"
"It had all these dead people in these glass coffins, but they were not really dead, and they all had this dream world together and these bad guys were chasing the good-guys ad flying octopuses chased them too, and then they cough them and wanted to eat them or something..."
"Mum yelled at my brother for showing it to me."
Boy`s mother came in and almost fainted at the sight of spotted furniture and floor. "Bed. Go."
"Yes..." They replied in unison, retreating to the bedroom.
Sun was just disappearing behind horizon, when the children laid into their beds. Boy gave last glance to his bear sitting at the sill, while little girl snugged to her pony, and with last beams of sunset in the bear`s eyes, he fell asleep.

He stood in a valley made of sugar cane, and vanilla milk spring bubbled just few feet away. From it drank a cat-sized rhino with tusk of rainbow.
"Amateur." Scoffed the knight in the rhino`s direction and took a look around.
Swirling lolypo-rtal formed and through came a red-headed woman wearing light glistening robe.
"I came as soon as I heard. What is THAT supposed to be?" She glared at the micro-rhino.
"A newbie... Give it time."
"Any threat? It all seems normal around here." She sampled a part of a palm tree.
Distant thunder echoed in the valley and darkness descended, covering all sources of light. Drawing of knight`s wooded sword produced metallic screech and he raise his left arm as if wearing a shield.
"Nice one." Appreciated the wall-shield woman.
"Here it comes!" Warned man aloud as the last beams of a giant light bulb disappearing behind horizon faded away.
At the same time the entire world flickered as if TV switched channels, and gone were the mountains of sugar, rivers of dairy and forests of chocolate.
Now everything bore dark shades of grey, brown and death. Cob-webs hang on every branch of every tree and there was not one of them alive-to-be-found.
"Why start light, right?" Asked the woman while the dried-out branches rattled in the wind.
Now rhino-sized cat sporting a rainbow-tail found itself a boulder to play with and now chased in around the campfire in wide circles, accompanied by shaking ground thanks to its massive feet.
The forest moved, at least it looked like it did. Countless of the "branches" now marched towards them in groups of eight, with light-swallowing mass of hairy flash in the middle.
They swarmed the camp-site and the knight and his companion slashed, slammed and tore apart anything that came into the light. The dull wooden blade went through the hordes like hot knife through butter.
Many of the eight-legged beast laid at their feet when the ginormous cat ran past, chasing it`s boulder, squashing many more in the process.
The spiders retreated, running back to the cover of the forest. The enchantress put her hand deep into her pocket and pulled out a two meters long magic staff.
Crystal in its top shone bright, and out came flying a fireball, and another, and another. -Flick- Jet fighter flew over the impenetrable green-hell of a jungle, followed the guiding laser and dropped its payload into the enemy lines of retreating dentists.
Rainbow-tusked Rhino-sized rhino ran past in a vain attempt to catch a cat-sized cat.
Woman with a sniper-rifle turned the laser off and looked over to the colonel. Fiery inferno created by the bombs reflected in his sunglasses, he moved his cigar from one corner of the mouth to another and sucked on it, growling: "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
The woman grabbed a rifle magazine from her pocket-flick-and put the pencil onto a bow, pulling it back for a powerful shot. She released it into the enemy ranks, putting down two school teachers with one shot.
Her colleague stood in front of her, using cafeteria tray as a shield and a college diploma as a sword, wacking one glorified babysitter after another.
However, even with the help of rainbow-colored boulder chasing after a cat-sized boulder there were too many of them. They tackled the warrior to the ground-flick- and begun stabbing him with carrots. The woman ran over, took a swing with a golf club and sent several angry rabbits onto the green using nine-iron. But not before one of the traitorous fluffy bastards put his carrot into the man`s eye.
She helped him up and they both retreated, fleeing as fast as possible, fluffy gang in their backs.
"We need to-flick-They are gaining on us, captain!"
"Load the guns!" Commanded the man wearing an eye-patch. He gazed at the sails of his ship, turning the wheel ever-so-slightly to gain more speed.
A pack of dolphins swam by, chasing a desperate rainbow colored rhino-sized whale.
All the octopi of the other ship, apart from those who held sails in place, climbed down the hull and begun paddling, speeding up their vessel.
"They are going for our port-side. They`ll rake is without ever presenting a target."
"Drop the anchor on the starboard!" Barked the captain to the empty ship and it listened.
Metallic mass penetrated the sea-surface, hit the bottom, caught on some rocks and stopped the fleeing ship in its tracks, turning it on a dime.
Ships came side-to-side.
Full broad-side salvo torn apart the outer hull and exposed part of the ship to vacuum.
Decks shook under the strain of secondary explosions and man with cybernetic eye growled: "We are outmatched!"
"Look! Sunrise!" Pointed the nurse at the screen. Truly, there was a local star coming out from behind the planet. Slowly.
Another salvo penetrated the hull, taking half of the bridge with it. The man strapped in his chair just blinked and she was gone. His companion, his love, was sucked into the void... A whale sized rainbow rhino flew by chasing pack of dolphin sized asteroids.
Massive coliseum was filled with human-sized syringes, their pointy needle heads shining even in the shadow. Gladiator jumped to the side, dodging a powerful smash by the giant needle, and looked up. Sun was raising and the rapidly moving edge of a shadow casted by the coliseum proved it. He had to hold on for just a while.
Another jump-dodge took him out of the needle`s reach, but it closed in. He could not find any weapon but dust, throwing full fist of it at the needle, blinding it momentarily. He jumped at it, toppled it to the ground and was kicked down again.
Giant light bulb’s beams continued down the walls of coliseum vaporizing the on looking syringes as it went.
The giant needle pinned him down, literary, putting several smaller needles through his joints, and looked up to the master-syringe. It raised its pointy hand, pointing down.
The giant needle swung for its last blow, light hit it and it vaporized. The man could finally see light bulb rising over the edge of the building and sighed in relief.
Unisus landed next to him, half pegasus, half unicorn, proudly wearing the rainbow horn, looked around and scoffed. "Man. This place is fucked. Up."

"I had the most amazing dream, jumped the boy out of his bed, running out of the room to tell his mother, passing his again one-eyed teddy, who looked over the street, watching an empty window with white laced curtains.

pal Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant

Příspěvky: 1007
Bydliště: Nottingham, UK
Pohlaví: Neuvedeno
Odpovědět s citací
Dodatečně též vše něj. :drink2: :thumbsup: :yahoo:
Tyhle věci se lijí na papír, když na mě příjde nálada.

No koukám, že jsi musel mít velkou náladu. :wink:
Jestli takto bude :write: celá kniha, tak už se těším, až si ji budu moci zakoupit. :yahoo:

A až ještě dotáhneš do konce New earth, tak to teprve bude žůžo. :wink:
Za kazdym vzestupem civilizace stala vira, za kazdym padem nabozenstvi. Neni nic horsiho jak negativni mysleni, zarlivost, zavistive ci jine negativni reakce pro zniceni zivota. Proto je treba myslet a konat pozitivne a s laskou.

St0rm Uživatelský avatar
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel

Příspěvky: 2366
Bydliště: Studénka
Pohlaví: Neuvedeno

Odpovědět s citací
Že zrovna ty to přečteš jsem tak nějak čekal :D Tahle povídka je jeden z kraťasů, většina z nich je nedokončená, kterýma právě plním pátý sešit čistě pro vypilování anglického prózového stylu (stejně tak jako jsem se český styl učil na původním Phoenixu). Většina z nich nikdy neuvidí světlo světa, jsou to jenom úryvky a chaos, ale některé si našly cestu do knižního Avalonu.
Přepracoval jsem hyperprostor (cesty teď trvají dny, nejsou ani zdaleka rovné, ale "přírodní" a vlnité jako řeky a delší cesta může být rychlejší kvůli silnějšímu proudu. Mám o tom asi deset stran, takhle ve zkratce to je dost řídký), vypiloval jejich společnost, zase jednou zrušil štíty v zájmu realističnosti (i když u tohohle se pořád houpu tam a zpátky) a vymyslel dosti originální způsoby udržování know-how.

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