Stejne nejlpesi hlaska je hlaska psana Damaconem v prvnim prispevku o Zmokle Solve... a to proto, ze je moje. , no tak se nehadejte, jelikoz vsichni vime ze jsem nejlepsi a navic jak se jmenuje tohle vlakno .. no a je rozhodnuto, kde si mam vyzvednout cenu???
Kerr Avon: Listen to me. Wealth is the only reality. And the only way to obtain wealth is to take it away from somebody else. Wake up, Blake! You may not be tranquilised any longer, but you're still dreaming.
Tak nepište jen svoje hlášky, ale hlášky všeobecně. Ne jen Jackovy, ale všechny. Jen Pelíšky nebo Mareček jich má plno
Kerr Avon: Listen to me. Wealth is the only reality. And the only way to obtain wealth is to take it away from somebody else. Wake up, Blake! You may not be tranquilised any longer, but you're still dreaming.
Nebo můžeme zkusit něco jako soutěž, jaká hláška je z jakého filmu.
Co třeba tohle:
"Asimiluj tohle" To je snadný.
Kerr Avon: Listen to me. Wealth is the only reality. And the only way to obtain wealth is to take it away from somebody else. Wake up, Blake! You may not be tranquilised any longer, but you're still dreaming.
Ne-e, je to Worf v ST: First Contact, když sestřelí Borgský modul.
Kerr Avon: Listen to me. Wealth is the only reality. And the only way to obtain wealth is to take it away from somebody else. Wake up, Blake! You may not be tranquilised any longer, but you're still dreaming.